Tesla Cybertruck Off-Road Controls: UI and Options Explainer

Tesla has announced its new off-road mode feature update for the Cybertruck electric pickup truck and here’s a brief explainer about the UI and controls. This new mode will enable users to access off-road settings on the right side of the touch screen.

Tesla Cybertruck Off-Road Controls (Image Credit: Tesla)
Camera Views:
- It displays backup camera and side repeaters along with a front view. You can swipe to see other views.
Off-Road Mode:
You can choose between Overland and Baja to customize your off-roading experience.
- Overland mode enables consistent handling and better overall traction while driving through rock, gravel, deep snow, or sand.
- Baja mode enables improvements for vehicle balance during Stability Assist set to Minimal.
- You can manually adjust the surface on which you are driving including All-purpose, Rock, Gravel/Deep Snow, and Sand.
Stopping Mode
- Choose if you want to roll freely or automatically between Hold and Roll. Hold the brake when you come to a Stop.
Locking Differentials
- Cybertruck owners can engage or disengage the locking differential between Off, Rear On, and All On settings.
Angle View:
This part of the user interface shows pitch, roll, and heading to determine the vehicle’s capability to climb over an obstacle or up an incline. You can see the digital metrics right below the camera view.
Rear Steer:
- You can enable the rear steer to off or auto. Auto setting allows for a tight turn radius while driving. It is useful for off-camber driving or drifting on loose surfaces.
Wade Mode
- This UI also includes Wade mode, which helps the Cybertruck to drive through shallow water.
Ride Height
- The mode will let you adjust ride height in three modes – High, Very High, and Extract. These modes are designed for different ride scenarios and UI will also show you the number in inches.
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